Drop columns in pandas DataFrame#

Datasets could be in any shape and form. To optimize the data analysis, we need to remove some data that is redundant or not required. This article aims to discuss all the cases of dropping single or multiple columns from a Pandas DataFrame.

The following functions are discussed in this article in detail:

  • df.drop(columns = ['col1','col2'...])

  • df.pop('col_name')

  • del df['col_name']

In the last section, we have shown the comparison of these functions. So stay tuned…

Also, See:

The DataFrame.drop() function#

We can use this pandas function to remove the columns or rows from simple as well as multi-index DataFrame.


DataFrame.drop(labels=None, axis=1, columns=None, level=None, inplace=False, errors='raise')


  1. labels: It takes a list of column labels to drop.

  2. axis: It specifies to drop columns or rows. Set a axis to 1 or columns to drop columns. By default, it drops the rows from DataFrame.

  3. columns: It is an alternative to axis='columns'. It takes a single column label or list of column labels as input.

  4. level: It is used in the case of a MultiIndex DataFrame to specify the level from which the labels should be removed. It takes a level position or level name as input.

  5. inplace: It is used to specify whether to return a new DataFrame or update an existing one. It is a boolean flag with default False.

  6. errors: It is used to suppress KeyError error if a column is not present. It takes the following 1. inputs:

    • ignore: It suppresses the error and drops only existing labels.

    • raise: Throws the errors if the column does not exist. It is the default case.


  • It returns the DataFrame with dropped columns or None if inplace=True

  • It also raises KeyError if labels are not found.

Drop single column#

We may need to delete a single or specific column from a DataFrame.

In the below example we drop the age column from the DataFrame using df.drop(columns = 'col_name')

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# drop column
student_df = student_df.drop(columns='age')

  name  age  marks
0  Joe   20   85.1
1  Nat   21   77.8
  name  marks
0  Joe   85.1
1  Nat   77.8

Drop multiple columns#

Use any of the following two parameters of DataFrame.drop() to delete multiple columns of DataFrame at once.

  • Use the column parameter and pass the list of column names you want to remove.

  • Set the axis=1 and pass the list of column names.


Let’s see how to drop multiple columns from the DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# drop 2 columns at a time
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=['age', 'marks'])

['name' 'age' 'marks']

Using drop with axis='columns' or axis=1#

Let’s see how to drop using the axis-style convention. This is a new approach. (This approach makes this method match the rest of the pandas API) .

Use the axis parameter of a DataFrame.drop() to delete columns. The axis can be a row or column. The column axis represented as 1 or ‘columns’.

Set axis=1 or axis='columns' and pass the list of column names you want to remove…


Let’s see how to drop age and marks columns.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)
print("Original dataframe:\n",student_df)

student_df = student_df.drop(['age', 'marks'], axis='columns')
print("After droping columns in dataframe:\n", student_df)

# alternative both produces same result
#student_df = student_df.drop(['age', 'marks'], axis=1)
#print("After droping columns in dataframe:\n", student_df)
Original dataframe:
   name  age  marks
0  Joe   20   85.1
1  Nat   21   77.8
After droping columns in dataframe:
0  Joe
1  Nat

Drop column in place#

In the above examples, whenever we executed drop operations, pandas created a new copy of DataFrame because the modification is not in place.

Parameter inplace is used to indicate if drop column from the existing DataFrame or create a copy of it.

  • If the inplace=True then it updates the existing DataFrame and does not return anything.

  • If the inplace=False then it creates a new DataFrame with updated changes and returns it.

Note: Set inplace=True when we are doing function chaining to avoid assigning the result back to a variable as we are performing modifications in place.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# drop columns in place
student_df.drop(columns=['age', 'marks'], inplace=True)

['name' 'age' 'marks']

Drop column by suppressing errors#

By default, The DataFrame.drop() throws KeyError if the column you are trying to delete does not exist in the dataset.

If we want to drop the column only if exists then we can suppress the error by using the parameter errors.

  • Set errors='ignore' to not throw any errors.

  • Set errors='raised' to throw KeyError for the unknown columns


In the below example, we are trying to drop the column which does not exist in the DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# supress error
student_df = student_df.drop(columns='salary', errors='ignore')  # No change in the student_df

# raise error
student_df = student_df.drop(columns='salary')  # KeyError: "['salary'] not found in axis"
  name  age  marks
0  Joe   20   85.1
1  Nat   21   77.8
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-245426098662> in <module>
     12 # raise error
---> 13 student_df = student_df.drop(columns='salary')  # KeyError: "['salary'] not found in axis"

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py in drop(self, labels, axis, index, columns, level, inplace, errors)
   4306                 weight  1.0     0.8
   4307         """
-> 4308         return super().drop(
   4309             labels=labels,
   4310             axis=axis,

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py in drop(self, labels, axis, index, columns, level, inplace, errors)
   4151         for axis, labels in axes.items():
   4152             if labels is not None:
-> 4153                 obj = obj._drop_axis(labels, axis, level=level, errors=errors)
   4155         if inplace:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py in _drop_axis(self, labels, axis, level, errors)
   4186                 new_axis = axis.drop(labels, level=level, errors=errors)
   4187             else:
-> 4188                 new_axis = axis.drop(labels, errors=errors)
   4189             result = self.reindex(**{axis_name: new_axis})

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\base.py in drop(self, labels, errors)
   5589         if mask.any():
   5590             if errors != "ignore":
-> 5591                 raise KeyError(f"{labels[mask]} not found in axis")
   5592             indexer = indexer[~mask]
   5593         return self.delete(indexer)

KeyError: "['salary'] not found in axis"

Drop column by index position#

If there is a case where we want to drop columns in the DataFrame, but we do not know the name of the columns still we can delete the column using its index position.

Note: Column index starts from 0 (zero) and it goes till the last column whose index value will be len(df.columns)-1.

Drop the last column#

Assume you want to drop the first column or the last column of the DataFrame without using the column name.

In such cases, use the DataFrame.columns attribute to delete a column of the DataFrame based on its index position. Simply pass df.columns[index] to the columns parameter of the DataFrame.drop().


In the below example, we are dropping the last column of the DataFrame using df.columns[last_index].

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# find position of the last column and drop
pos = len(student_df.columns) - 1
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=student_df.columns[pos])

# delete column present at index 1
# student_df.drop(columns = student_df.columns[1])
['name' 'age' 'marks']
['name' 'age']

Drop range of columns using iloc#

There could be a case when we need to delete the fourth column from the dataset or need to delete a range of columns. We can use DataFrame.iloc to select single or multiple columns from the DataFrame.

We can use DataFrame.iloc in the columns parameter to specify the index position of the columns which need to drop.


Let’s see how we can drop the range of the columns based on the index position. In the below example, we are dropping columns from index position 1 to 3 (exclusive).

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)

# drop column from 1 to 3
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=student_df.iloc[:, 1:3])

['name' 'age' 'marks']

Drop first n columns#

If we need to delete the first ‘n’ columns from a DataFrame, we can use DataFrame.iloc and the Python range() function to specify the columns’ range to be deleted.

We need to use the built-in function range() with columns parameter of DataFrame.drop().


In the below example, we are dropping the first two columns from a DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80], "class": ["A", "B"],
                "city": ["London", "Zurich"]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)
print("Before dropping: \n", student_df.columns.values)

# drop column 1 and 2
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=student_df.iloc[:, range(2)])

# print only columns
print("\nAfter dropping: \n", student_df.columns.values)
Before dropping: 
 ['name' 'age' 'marks' 'class' 'city']

After dropping: 
 ['marks' 'class' 'city']

Drop column from multi-index DataFrame#

DataFrame can have multiple column headers, such DataFrame is called a multi-index DataFrame. Such headers are divided into the levels where the first header is at level 0, the second header is at level 1, and so on.

We can drop a column from any level of multi-index DataFrame. By default, it drops columns from all the levels, but we can use a parameter level to drop from a particular level only.

We need to pass a level name or level index as level=level_index.

Below is the multi-index DataFrame with two column headers.


Let’s see how we can drop column marks from level 1.

Note: If we do not provide a level parameter then it will drop the column from all the levels if exist.

import pandas as pd

# create column header
col = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['Class A', 'Class A', 'Class B', 'Class B'],
                                 ['Name', 'Marks', 'Name', 'Marks']])
# create dataframe from 2darray
student_df = pd.DataFrame([['Joe', '85.10', 'Nat', '77.80'], ['Harry', '91.54', 'Sam', '68.55']], columns=col)
print("Before dropping column: \n", student_df)

# drop column
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=['Marks'], level=1)
print("\nAfter dropping column: \n", student_df)
Before dropping column: 
   Class A        Class B       
     Name  Marks    Name  Marks
0     Joe  85.10     Nat  77.80
1   Harry  91.54     Sam  68.55

After dropping column: 
   Class A Class B
     Name    Name
0     Joe     Nat
1   Harry     Sam

Drop column using a function#

We can also use the function to delete columns by applying some logic or based on some condition. We can use built-in as well as user-defined functions to drop columns.

Drop all the columns using loc#

If we want to drop all the columns from DataFrame we can easily do that using DataFrame.loc in the columns parameter of DataFrame.drop().

DataFrame.loc is used to specify the column labels which need to delete. If we do not specify any column labels like df.loc[:] then it will drop all the columns in the DataFrame.


In the below example, we are dropping all the columns from the student DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)
print("Before dropping column: \n", student_df.columns.values)

# drop column 1 and 2
student_df = student_df.drop(columns=student_df.loc[:])

# print only columns
print("\nAfter dropping column: \n", student_df.columns.values)
Before dropping column: 
 ['name' 'age' 'marks']

After dropping column: 

Drop column using pandas DataFrame.pop() function#

If we want to delete a single column then we can also do that using DataFrame.pop(col_label) function. We need to pass a column label that needs to delete.

It removes the column in-place by updating the existing DataFrame. It raises KeyError if the column is not found.

Note: It can be used to drop a column only. It cannot drop multiple columns or row(s).


Let’s see how we can drop the age column from a student DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)
print("Before dropping column: \n", student_df)

# drop column

print("\nAfter dropping column: \n", student_df)
Before dropping column: 
   name  age  marks
0  Joe   20   85.1
1  Nat   21   77.8

After dropping column: 
   name  marks
0  Joe   85.1
1  Nat   77.8

Drop column using pandas DataFrame delete#

We can also use the pandas inbuilt function del to drop a single column from a DataFrame. It is a very simplified way of dropping the column from a DataFrame.

We need to select the column of DataFrame which needs to be deleted and pass it as del df[col_label].

Note: It can be used to drop a column only. It cannot drop multiple columns or row(s).

import pandas as pd

student_dict = {"name": ["Joe", "Nat"], "age": [20, 21], "marks": [85.10, 77.80]}

# Create DataFrame from dict
student_df = pd.DataFrame(student_dict)
print("Before dropping column: \n", student_df)

# drop column
del student_df['age']

print("\nAfter dropping column: \n", student_df)
Before dropping column: 
   name  age  marks
0  Joe   20   85.1
1  Nat   21   77.8

After dropping column: 
   name  marks
0  Joe   85.1
1  Nat   77.8

Compare DataFrame drop() vs. pop() vs. del#





Operates on axis

columns and rows

only column

only column

Delete multiple columns




Drop in-place or return a copy


Only in-place

Only in-place



