Python Pandas#

Pandas is an open-source, BSD-licensed Python library. Pandas is a handy and useful data-structure tool for analyzing large and complex data.

In this tutorial we will practice:

  • DataFrame,

  • Data Selection,

  • Group-By,

  • Series,

  • Sorting,

  • Searching,

  • statistics.

Let us practice Data analysis using Pandas.

In this exercise, we are using automobile_data.csv for data analysis. This Dataset has different characteristics of an auto such as body-style, wheel-base, engine-type, price, mileage, horsepower, etc.

What included in this Pandas exercise?

It contains 10 questions. The solution is provided for each question. Each question includes a specific Pandas topic you need to learn. When you complete each question, you get more familiar with data analysis using pandas.

Exercise 1: From the given dataset print the first and last five rows#

import pandas as pd

#df = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\Milaan\\01_Learn_Python4Data\\10_Python_Pandas_Module\\automobile_data.csv")
df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data.csv")  # just give the name of file only if the file is in the same folder.
index company body-style wheel-base length engine-type num-of-cylinders horsepower average-mileage price
0 0 alfa-romero convertible 88.6 168.8 dohc four 111 21 13495.0
1 1 alfa-romero convertible 88.6 168.8 dohc four 111 21 16500.0
2 2 alfa-romero hatchback 94.5 171.2 ohcv six 154 19 16500.0
3 3 audi sedan 99.8 176.6 ohc four 102 24 13950.0
4 4 audi sedan 99.4 176.6 ohc five 115 18 17450.0
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data.csv")
index company body-style wheel-base length engine-type num-of-cylinders horsepower average-mileage price
56 81 volkswagen sedan 97.3 171.7 ohc four 85 27 7975.0
57 82 volkswagen sedan 97.3 171.7 ohc four 52 37 7995.0
58 86 volkswagen sedan 97.3 171.7 ohc four 100 26 9995.0
59 87 volvo sedan 104.3 188.8 ohc four 114 23 12940.0
60 88 volvo wagon 104.3 188.8 ohc four 114 23 13415.0

Exercise 2: Clean the dataset and update the CSV file#

Hint: Replace all column values which contain ?, n.a, or NaN.

#df = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\Milaan\\01_Learn_Python4Data\\10_Python_Pandas_Module\\automobile_data.csv", na_values={
df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data.csv", na_values={
print (df)

    index      company   body-style  wheel-base  length engine-type  \
0       0  alfa-romero  convertible        88.6   168.8        dohc   
1       1  alfa-romero  convertible        88.6   168.8        dohc   
2       2  alfa-romero    hatchback        94.5   171.2        ohcv   
3       3         audi        sedan        99.8   176.6         ohc   
4       4         audi        sedan        99.4   176.6         ohc   
..    ...          ...          ...         ...     ...         ...   
56     81   volkswagen        sedan        97.3   171.7         ohc   
57     82   volkswagen        sedan        97.3   171.7         ohc   
58     86   volkswagen        sedan        97.3   171.7         ohc   
59     87        volvo        sedan       104.3   188.8         ohc   
60     88        volvo        wagon       104.3   188.8         ohc   

   num-of-cylinders  horsepower  average-mileage    price  
0              four         111               21  13495.0  
1              four         111               21  16500.0  
2               six         154               19  16500.0  
3              four         102               24  13950.0  
4              five         115               18  17450.0  
..              ...         ...              ...      ...  
56             four          85               27   7975.0  
57             four          52               37   7995.0  
58             four         100               26   9995.0  
59             four         114               23  12940.0  
60             four         114               23  13415.0  

[61 rows x 10 columns]

Exercise 3: Find the most expensive car company name#

Print most expensive car’s company name and price.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
df = df [['company','price']][df.price==df['price'].max()]


#df=df.groupby(["company"]).sum().sort_values("price", ascending=False)
company price
35 mercedes-benz 45400.0

Exercise 4: Print All Toyota Cars details#

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
car_Manufacturers = df.groupby('company')
toyotaDf = car_Manufacturers.get_group('toyota')


#df[( == 'toyota')]
Unnamed: 0 index company body-style wheel-base length engine-type num-of-cylinders horsepower average-mileage price
48 48 66 toyota hatchback 95.7 158.7 ohc four 62 35 5348.0
49 49 67 toyota hatchback 95.7 158.7 ohc four 62 31 6338.0
50 50 68 toyota hatchback 95.7 158.7 ohc four 62 31 6488.0
51 51 69 toyota wagon 95.7 169.7 ohc four 62 31 6918.0
52 52 70 toyota wagon 95.7 169.7 ohc four 62 27 7898.0
53 53 71 toyota wagon 95.7 169.7 ohc four 62 27 8778.0
54 54 79 toyota wagon 104.5 187.8 dohc six 156 19 15750.0

Exercise 5: Count total cars per company#

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
toyota           7
bmw              6
nissan           5
mazda            5
volkswagen       4
audi             4
mitsubishi       4
mercedes-benz    4
isuzu            3
alfa-romero      3
honda            3
jaguar           3
chevrolet        3
porsche          3
volvo            2
dodge            2
Name: company, dtype: int64

Exercise 6: Find each company’s Higesht price car#

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
car_Manufacturers = df.groupby('company')
priceDf = car_Manufacturers['company','price'].max()
<ipython-input-7-c8f749f7a9ca>:5: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
  priceDf = car_Manufacturers['company','price'].max()
company price
alfa-romero alfa-romero 16500.0
audi audi 18920.0
bmw bmw 41315.0
chevrolet chevrolet 6575.0
dodge dodge 6377.0
honda honda 12945.0
isuzu isuzu 6785.0
jaguar jaguar 36000.0
mazda mazda 18344.0
mercedes-benz mercedes-benz 45400.0
mitsubishi mitsubishi 8189.0
nissan nissan 13499.0
porsche porsche 37028.0
toyota toyota 15750.0
volkswagen volkswagen 9995.0
volvo volvo 13415.0

Exercise 7: Find the average mileage of each car making company#

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
car_Manufacturers = df.groupby('company')
mileageDf = car_Manufacturers['company','average-mileage'].mean()


#    'average-mileage':np.mean
<ipython-input-8-c02acf54079b>:5: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
  mileageDf = car_Manufacturers['company','average-mileage'].mean()
alfa-romero 20.333333
audi 20.000000
bmw 19.000000
chevrolet 41.000000
dodge 31.000000
honda 26.333333
isuzu 33.333333
jaguar 14.333333
mazda 28.000000
mercedes-benz 18.000000
mitsubishi 29.500000
nissan 31.400000
porsche 17.000000
toyota 28.714286
volkswagen 31.750000
volvo 23.000000

Exercise 8: Sort all cars by Price column#

import pandas as pd

carsDf = pd.read_csv("automobile_data1.csv")
carsDf = carsDf.sort_values(by=['price', 'horsepower'], ascending=False)
Unnamed: 0 index company body-style wheel-base length engine-type num-of-cylinders horsepower average-mileage price
35 35 47 mercedes-benz hardtop 112.0 199.2 ohcv eight 184 14 45400.0
11 11 14 bmw sedan 103.5 193.8 ohc six 182 16 41315.0
34 34 46 mercedes-benz sedan 120.9 208.1 ohcv eight 184 14 40960.0
46 46 62 porsche convertible 89.5 168.9 ohcf six 207 17 37028.0
12 12 15 bmw sedan 110.0 197.0 ohc six 182 15 36880.0

Exercise 9: Concatenate two data frames using the following conditions#

Hint: Create two data frames using the following two dictionary.

import pandas as pd

GermanCars = {'Company': ['Ford', 'Mercedes', 'BMV', 'Audi'], 'Price': [23845, 171995, 135925 , 71400]}
carsDf1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(GermanCars)

japaneseCars = {'Company': ['Toyota', 'Honda', 'Nissan', 'Mitsubishi '], 'Price': [29995, 23600, 61500 , 58900]}
carsDf2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(japaneseCars)

carsDf = pd.concat([carsDf1, carsDf2], keys=["Germany", "Japan"])
Company Price
Germany 0 Ford 23845
1 Mercedes 171995
2 BMV 135925
3 Audi 71400
Japan 0 Toyota 29995
1 Honda 23600
2 Nissan 61500
3 Mitsubishi 58900

Exercise 10: Merge two data frames using the following condition#

Hint: Create two data frames using the following two Dicts, Merge two data frames, and append the second data frame as a new column to the first data frame.

import pandas as pd

Car_Price = {'Company': ['Toyota', 'Honda', 'BMV', 'Audi'], 'Price': [23845, 17995, 135925 , 71400]}
carPriceDf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(Car_Price)

car_Horsepower = {'Company': ['Toyota', 'Honda', 'BMV', 'Audi'], 'horsepower': [141, 80, 182 , 160]}
carsHorsepowerDf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(car_Horsepower)

carsDf = pd.merge(carPriceDf, carsHorsepowerDf, on="Company")
Company Price horsepower
0 Toyota 23845 141
1 Honda 17995 80
2 BMV 135925 182
3 Audi 71400 160